Näitan 1761–1780 tulemust 10638-st

Have Gun We'll Travel

“Have Gun We’ll Travel”

A Novel St. Paul police officers Dez Reilly and Jaylynn Savage have been working far too hard. When they take off on a camping trip to northern Minnesota with good friends Crystal and Shayna, they expect nothing more than long hikes, romantic wood fires, and plenty of down time. Instead, they find themselves caught in […]

Lisa korvi

“The Catcher in the Rye”

A Novel. Адаптированная книга для чтения на англ. языке. Pre-Intermediate. Anyone who has read J.D. Salinger’s New Yorker stories–particularly A Perfect Day for Bananafish, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut, The Laughing Man, and For Esme With Love and Squalor–will not be surprised by the fact that his first novel is full of children. The hero-narrator of […]

Lisa korvi
Pure White and Deadly

“Pure White and Deadly”

A Telegraph Top 10 Diet Book, Pure White and Deadly by John Yudkin is a must-read for those concerned with how much sugar we consume every day. Sugar. It’s killing us. Why do we eat so much of it? What are its hidden dangers? In 1972, when British scientist John Yudkin first proved that sugar […]

Lisa korvi
Blood and Bone

“Blood and Bone”

A Novel In the western sky the bright emerald banner of the Visitor descends like a portent of annihilation. On the continent of Jacuruku, the Thaumaturgs have mounted yet another expedition to tame the neighboring wild jungle. Yet this is no normal wilderness. It is called Himatan, and it is said to be half of […]

Lisa korvi
The Cabala. Heaven's My Destination. Our Town

“The Cabala. Heaven’s My Destination. Our Town”

Thornton Niven Wilder (April 17, 1897 – December 7, 1975) was an American playwright and novelist. He won three Pulitzer Prizes — for the novel The Bridge of San Luis Rey and for the plays Our Town and The Skin of Our Teeth — and a U.S. National Book Award for the novel The Eighth […]

Lisa korvi
Profit Over People. Neoliberalism and Global Order

“Profit Over People. Neoliberalism and Global Order”

Why is the Atlantic slowly filling with crude petroleum, threatening a millions-of-years-old ecological balance? Why did traders at prominent banks take high-risk gambles with the money entrusted to them by hundreds of thousands of clients around the world, expanding and leveraging their investments to the point that failure led to a global financial crisis that […]

Lisa korvi
Hawkwood. Diabolical Englishman

“Hawkwood. Diabolical Englishman”

The second son of a minor Essex landowner, John Hawkwood chose to head south in 1360 after serving as a captain in the Black Prince’s wars against France. He and other freebooters besieged the Pope at Avignon, and when they were paid to go to Italy, discovered that the threat of force could be very […]

Lisa korvi
Big Bang

“Big Bang”

The most important scientific discovery of all time and why you need to know about it. Albert Einstein once said: ‘The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.’ Simon Singh believes geniuses like Einstein are not the only people able to grasp the physics that govern the universe. We all can. […]

Lisa korvi
Pope Joan

“Pope Joan”

A Novel “Pope Joan has all the elements one wants in a historical drama—love, sex, violence, duplicity, and long-buried secrets. Cross has written an engaging book.”—Los Angeles Times Book Review In this international bestseller and basis for the 2009 movie of the same name, Donna Woolfolk Cross brings the Dark Ages to life in all […]

Lisa korvi
The Resident

“The Resident”

Every year, three million single women in America move into an apartment for the first time. Few of them change the locks. Juliet Devereau can’t believe her luck: after weeks of looking for a place to live, she’s found a beautiful, spacious apartment overlooking Brooklyn Bridge. It almost seems to good to be true. It […]

Lisa korvi
Samurai. The Japanese warrior's manual

“Samurai. The Japanese warrior’s manual”

UNOFFICIAL Combines the latest research with contemporary lives, descriptions, and reconstructions to provide a dramatic picture of what it was like to be a samurai. So you think you’d like to be a samurai? It’s 1615 and the samurai, Japan’s elite fighting class, are at the zenith of their powers. Trained in every manner of […]

Lisa korvi
The Indus Saga: From Pataliputra to Partition

“The Indus Saga. From Pataliputra to Partition”

The Indus region, comprising the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent (now Pakistan), has always had its distinct identity – racially, ethnically, linguistically and culturally. In the last five thousand years, this region has been a part of India, politically, for only five hundred years. Pakistan, then, is no ‘artificial’ state conjured up by the […]

Lisa korvi

“Annihilation. Authority. Acceptance” 3 raamatut

The Southern Reach Trilogy. A Novel 1. The Southern Reach Trilogy begins with Annihilation, the Nebula Award-winning novel that “reads as if Verne or Wellsian adventurers exploring a mysterious island had warped through into a Kafkaesque nightmare world” (Kim Stanley Robinson). Area X has been cut off from the rest of the continent for decades. […]

Lisa korvi


An autobiography that connects the twentieth century European life of internationally beloved teacher Elisabeth Haich and her lucid memories of initiation into the hidden mystical teachings of the priesthood in ancient Egypt. It reveals her insights into the subtle workings of karma, reincarnation, and spiritual development.

Lisa korvi

“Eesti sõjaajalugu: valitud peatükke Vabadussõjast tänapäevani”

Kõigile ajaloohuvilistele mõeldud koguteoses heidetakse pilk Eesti sõjaajaloolisele arengule Vabadussõjast kuni tänapäevani. Peale Vabadussõja, mis kindlustas 1918. aastal väljakuulutatud Eesti Vabariigi iseseisvuse, käsitletakse teoses ka Teise maailmasõja ja punavõimu militaarset jalajälge meie ajaloos ning kõige olulisemana rahuaegse riigikaitse ülesehitamist nii esimesel iseseisvusajal kui ka pärast Eesti iseseisvuse taastamist. Raamat võtab kokku senise uurimistöö Eesti sõjaajaloo […]

Lisa korvi

“Kirjandus Kreeka ja Rooma maailmas: uus vaatenurk”

Hinnates kreeka ja rooma kirjandust tänapäeval, peaksime tundma ka rolli, mida see mängis oma kaasajas. Selle raamatu fookus, uus vaatenurk, on kirjanduse vastuvõtjad: lugejad, vaatajad ja kuulajad. Kaksteist antiikkirjanduse uurijat vaatlevad siin erinevaid ja muutuvaid seoseid kirjanduse loojate ning nende publiku vahel, alates arhailisest kreeka luulest kuni Rooma impeeriumi lõpuni. Klassikalisest Ateenast hellenistliku kreeka diasporaani, […]

Lisa korvi

“Laidoneri Muuseumi aastaraamat 2002 2.”

Sisukord Saateks Hannes Walter, dr. phil. Laidoneri Muuseumi direktor Laidoneri Muuseumi tegevusest 2002. aastal Leho Lõhmus, dr. phil. Laidoneri Muuseumi teadusdirektor Soomusautod Maailmasõjas Hannes Walter, dr.phil. Laidoneri Muuseumi direktor Mobilisatsioon Punaarmees Eestis 1941 Tiit Noormets Eesti Riigiarhiiv Eesti riikliku ja sõjaväelise tseremoniaalmuusika kujunemine 1918-1940 Peeter Saan muusikamagister Vene impeeriumi sõjaliste kampaaniate medalid XIX ja XX […]

Lisa korvi

“Lühike Venemaa ajalugu”

Yale’i ülikooli ajalooprofessori Paul Bushkovitchi „Lühike Venemaa ajalugu“ (originaali esmatrükk 2012) annab tervikliku ülevaate Venemaa ajaloost alates 9. sajandist kuni NSV Liidu kokkuvarisemiseni 1991. aastal. Raamatus ei kõnelda mitte ainult Venemaa poliitilisest ajaloost, vaid ka kirjanduse, kunsti ja teaduse edenemisest, impeeriumi rahvaste etnilisest ja usulisest kirevusest jpm. Enim tähelepanu pööratakse küll Venemaa 20. sajandi ajaloole, […]

Lisa korvi

“Искусство войны”

Серия: Подарочные издания. Великие полководцы Бессмертный литературный памятник – трактат “Искусство войны” величайшего полководца и мыслителя Древнего Китая Сунь-цзы (VI-V вв. до н. э.) – это квинтэссенция военной мудрости, насыщенная множеством ярких деталей и конкретных примеров действий военачальника и его армии на поле боя. Достоверно не известно, был единственным автором этой великой книги военачальник одного […]

Lisa korvi
Science and the Akashic Field. An Integral Theory of Everything

“Science and the Akashic Field. An Integral Theory of Everything”

Presents the unifying world-concept long sought by scientists, mystics, and sages: an Integral Theory of Everything • Explains how modern science has rediscovered the Akashic Field of perennial philosophy • New edition updates ongoing scientific studies, presents new research inspired by the first edition, and includes new case studies and a section on animal telepathy […]

Lisa korvi