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13 autorit

“13 autorit”

Sisukord: Mati Unt – Meeleolud. Kunstlikud tähed. Peeter Hein – Võililled. Aino Saadik – Kaks roosi. Selma Lorents – Aga sul on ju kingad. Peeter Vihalemm – Kõnelusi isaga. Lehti Metsaalt – Appassionata. Jaan Kaplinski – Jutt kolmest astjast. Jutt ubaõiest ja tainakausist. Tatjana Elmanovitš – Võltsing. Valdek Kangur – Vanatoa Kristjani uued jalad. Erik […]

Lisa korvi
Lindude ränne ees

“Lindude ränne”

Lindude ränne on üldbioloogiline probleem, mille tundmine on suure üldharidusliku ja kasvatusliku tähtsusega. Ühtlasi on ta neid loodusevaatluse alasid, millest on osa võtnud paljud asjaarmastajad linnusõbrad. … Sees endise omaniku tempel.

Lisa korvi
Valik luuletusi ees

“Valik luuletusi”

Luulet aastaist 1846-1877

Lisa korvi

“Vend Vahindra”

Satiiriline dokumentaaljutustus. Autorilt: Mitukümmend aastat tegutses Eestis ja Lätis buda usu jutlustaja Karl Tõnisson, kes oli Baltimaadel laialt tuntud hüüdnime “paljasjalgne Tõnisson” all. Ta ise nimetas end vend Vahindraks. … Kuid satiirilist dokumentaaljutustust “Vend Vahindra” ei hakanud ma kirjutama ainult selle illusioonidemüüja huvitavate seikluste ja viperuste pärast. … Niisiis, kallid lugejad, pole patt naerda selle […]

Lisa korvi

“No Place to Hide”

Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State. In May 2013, Glenn Greenwald set out for Hong Kong to meet an anonymous source who claimed to have astonishing evidence of pervasive government spying and insisted on communicating only through heavily encrypted channels. That source turned out to be the twenty-nine-year-old NSA contractor Edward Snowden, […]

Lisa korvi
Alexander the Great

“Alexander the Great”

The Hunt for a New Past /—/ But who was Alexander? Deity? Mortal? Hero? Tyrant? Bisexual? Megalomaniac? Patricide? Conqueror of the entire known world? Savage hunter of both beast and man? In this original and provocative biographical study, Professor Paul Cartledge offers an authoritative, compelling and vividly readable account of Alexander’s extraordinary life, astonishing achievements […]

Lisa korvi

“Mannerheim. President, soldier, spy”

Gustaf Mannerheim was one of the greatest figures of the twentieth century. As a young Finnish officer in Russian service he witnessed the coronation of the last Tsar and was both reprimanded for his foolhardiness and decorated for his bravery in the Russo-Japanese war. He spent two years undercover in Asia as an agent in […]

Lisa korvi

“The World According to Clarkson”

Jeremy Clarkson has seen rather more of the world than most. He has, as they say, been around a bit. And as a result, he’s got one or two things to tell us about how it all works – and being Jeremy Clarkson he’s not about to voice them quietly, humbly and without great dollops […]

Lisa korvi
The Reckoning

“The Reckoning”

Like its champion Simon de Montfort, the People’s Charter lies dead and broken under the harsh heel of England’s new king, Edward, and only in Llewelyn’s troubled Wales does the light of liberty flicker on. Yet it is no easy task to guard the flame from the threatening storms. Llewelyn’s beloved bride, Ellen, Simon’s daughter, […]

Lisa korvi
The Histories

“The Histories”

Herodotus (c480-c425 BC) is “The Father of History” and his Histories are the first piece of Western historical writing. They are also the most entertaining. Why did Pheidippides run the 26 miles and 385 yards (or 42.195 kilometres) from Marathon to Athens? And what did he do when he got there? Was the Battle of […]

Lisa korvi

“Quiet Sitting: The Daoist Approach for a Healthy Mind and Body”

The Daoist Approach for a Healthy Mind and Body. Jinggong (quiet sitting) has so often been shrouded in mystery and mysticism since it traveled out of the Far East and across the shores to the West. Along the way, new schools of thought developed and the essential keys to the simple practice that is Jinggong […]

Lisa korvi

“Vampires through the Ages”

Lore & Legends of the World’s Most Notorious Blood Drinkers. Demonic Creatures Most Wicked and Foul. An undying legacy of bloodlust and damnation. Interred in shadows no more, the vampire mythos is illuminated in this captivating exploration of one of the world’s most sinister – and feared – creatures. Join Brian Righi as he unearths […]

Lisa korvi


Boudica has been immortalised throughout history as the woman who dared take on the Romans – an act of vengeance on behalf of her daughters, tribe and enslaved country. Her known life is a rich tapestry of wife, widow, mother, queen and Celtic quasi-Goddess. But beneath this lies a history both dark and shocking, with […]

Lisa korvi

“Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization”

In Babylon, Paul Kriwaczek tells the story of ancient Mesopotamia from the earliest settlements around 5400 BC, to the eclipse of Babylon by the Persians in the sixth century BC. He chronicles the rise and fall of dynastic power during this period; he examines its numerous material, social and cultural innovations and inventions: the wheel, […]

Lisa korvi
Seven Troop

“Seven Troop”

His explosive true story. From the SAS soldier who invented the modern military memoir comes another storming battering ram of Thrill-packed, unforgettable drama. Never-before-revealed covert operations and heartbreaking human stories combine to create a new classic and a book that takes us back to where it all began … This is Andy McNab’s gripping account […]

Lisa korvi
Õpetajale arenemishälvetega lastest

“Õpetajale arenemishälvetega lastest”

Sisukord: Sissejuhatus. Lapse psüühilise arenemise põhietapid. Õpetamise ja arenemise vastastikune seos. Kõne- ja kuulmishäiretega lapsed. Oligofreensed lapsed. Nägemishäiretega lapsed. Psüühilise arenemise ajutiste häiretega lapsed. Asteenilise seisundiga lapsed. Reaktiivse seisundiga ja konfliktelamustega lapsed. Laste käitumise psühhopaatilised vormid. Psüühiliste haiguste avaldumise alged lastel. Arenemishäiretega laste pedagoogiline uurimine. Erialased terminid. Soovitav kirjandus.

Lisa korvi
Mateeria ja teadvus

“Mateeria ja teadvus”

Sisukord: M. Makarov – Mateeria mõiste ja maailma ühtsus. T. Loit – Dialektiline materialism teadvuse olemusest. M. Makarov – Praktika osast tunnetuses. J. Rebane – Meelelisest tegelikkusepeegeldusest. J. Rebane – Idealismi gnoseoloogilistest juurtest. Raamatus on pühendus.

Lisa korvi
Fr. R. Kreutzwald 1803-1882

“Fr. R. Kreutzwald 1803-1882”

Elu ja tegevus sõnas ja pildis. Esilehel: Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi portree värviline reproduktsioon trükitud J. Köleri õlimaali (1864.a.) järgi. Toimetuskolleegium: E. Sõgel, P.N. Izmestjev, O. Kangilaski, M. Lepik, L. Raud, H. Tobias. Raamatu seljalt tekst maha kulunud.

Lisa korvi
Diplomacy. New Approaches in History, Theory, and Policy

“Diplomacy. New Approaches in History, Theory, and Policy”

In Diplomacy, Paul Gordon Lauren brings together original essays by prominent historians and political scientists, suggesting new approaches to both the study and practice of diplomacy through interdisciplinary cooperation.

Lisa korvi
Lydia's Impatient Sisters

“Lydia’s Impatient Sisters”

A Feminist Social History of Early Christianity. “Lydia’s Impatient Sisters” offers a social history of the everyday life of women, setting common experiences of labor, money, illness, and resistance in the context of the Roman imperial society.Luise Schottroff relates this history to important theological topics in New Testament, such as the revelation of God and […]

Lisa korvi