Näitan 6181–6200 tulemust 10601-st

“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”

Harry has been burdened with a dark, dangerous and seemingly impossible task: that of locating and destroying Voldemort´s remaining Horcruxes. Never has Harry felt so alone, or faced a future so full of shadows. But Harry must somehow find within himself the strength to complete the task he has been given. He must leave the […]

Lisa korvi

“The English Civil Wars: A Beginner´s Guide”

A king beheaded. A monarchy abolished. And a commoner leading a republic by military rule set in their place. The wars that tore through the country in the mid-seventeenth century – splitting government, communities and families alike – were a true watershed in English history. But how, with Queen Elizabeth I´s Golden Age still in […]

Lisa korvi

“A Brief History of Medieval Warfare”

The rise and fall of English supremacy at arms, 1314-1485 For over 150 years, from 1314 to 1485, England fought an almost continuous war with her neighbours. This period saw the unprecedented supremacy of the English armies over those of Scotland and France. Peter Reid proposes that the key to England´s success lay in expert, […]

Lisa korvi

“Bess of Hardwick: First Lady of Chatsworth”

Bess of Hardwick, born into the most brutal and turbulent period of England´s history, did not have an auspicious start in life. Widowed for the first time at sixteen, she nonetheless outlived four monarchs, married three more times, and died on of the wealthiest and most powerful women the country has ever seen. The Tudor […]

Lisa korvi

“England, Arise: The People, the King and the Great Revolt of 1381”

In the summer of 1381 England erupted in a violent popular uprising that was as unexpected as it was unprecedented. Juliet Barker illuminates a volatile England on the verge of extraordinary social changes. Had the rebels´ demands been met, English society would have been transformed; their radical political agenda anticipated the French Revolution by four […]

Lisa korvi

“The King´s Revenge: Charles II and the Greatest Manhunt in British History”

Following the beheading of his father Charles I in January 1649, the nineteen-year old Prince of Wales vowed to seek vengeance. From exile, he instigated what became the biggest manhunt the nation had ever seen, spreading far and wide and lasting for over thirty years. With show trials and assassination squads scouring foreign countries, he […]

Lisa korvi

“Writings from Ancient Egypt”

“Man perishes; his corpse turns to dust; all his relatives pass away. But writings make him remebered” In ancient Egypt, words had magical power. Inscribed on tombs and temple walls, coffins and statues, or inked onto papyri, hieroglyphs give us a unique insight into the life of the Egyptian mind. For this remarkable new collection, […]

Lisa korvi

“India Discovered: The Recovery of a Lost Civilization”

Two hundred years ago, India was seen as a place with little history and less culture. Today it is revered for a notable prehistory, a magnificent classical age and a cultural tradition unique in both character and continuity. How this extraordinary change in perception came about is the subject of this fascinating book by the […]

Lisa korvi

“Lucia in the Age of Napoleon”

A portrait of a remarkable woman who witnessed the turmoil of Napoleon´s assault on Europe When she married into one of Venice´s most powerful families as a young woman in 1787, Lucia was set for a prosperous and glamorous life in Venice´s twilight years. But then Napoleon´s troops invaded, Venice collapsed, and Lucia and her […]

Lisa korvi

“Agincourt: My Family, the Battle and the Fight for France”

On 25th October 1415, on a French hillside near the village of Agincourt, four men sheltered from the rain and prepared for battle. All four were English knights, ancestors of Sir Ranulph Fiennes, and part of the army of England´s King Henry V. Across the valley, four sons of the French arm of the Fiennes […]

Lisa korvi

“King Charles II”

Following a youth of poverty and bitter exile after his father´s execution, the ousted King Charles first challenged, then made his magnificent escape from Cromwell´s troops before he was eventually restored to his throne in triumph in 1660. Spanning his life both before and after the Restoration, Antonia Fraser´s biography captures all the vitality of […]

Lisa korvi

“Bosworth: The Birth of the Tudors”

Richard III and Henry Tudor´s legendary battle: one that changed the course of English history. On the morning of 22 August 1485, in fields several miles from Bosworth, two armies faced each other, ready for battle. The might of Richard III´s army was pitted against the inferior forces of the upstart pretender to the crown, […]

Lisa korvi

“Chasing the Sun: The Epic Story of the Star That Gives us Life”

The Sun is so powerful, so much bigger than us, that it is a terrifying subject. Yet though we depend on it, we take it for granted. Amazingly the first book of its kind, Chasing The Sun is a cultural and scientific history of our relationship with the star that gives us life. Richard Cohen, […]

Lisa korvi

“Digging for Richard the III: How Archaelogy Found the King”

The events of Richard IIIs reign and his death in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth are known worldwide through Shakespeares most performed, filmed and translated history play. Digging for Richard III is the page-turning story of how his grave was found, the people behind the discovery and what it tells us. It is the […]

Lisa korvi

“Foundation: A History of England Volume I”

Having written enthralling biographies of London and of its great river, The Thames Peter Ackroyd now turns to England itself. This first volume of six takes us from the time that England was first settled, more than 15,000 years ago, to the death in 1509 of the first Tudor monarch, Henry VII. In it, Ackroyd […]

Lisa korvi

“Act of Treason”

CIA operative Mitch Rapp follows a trail of contract killers leading directly to the heart of our nation´s capital in New York Times bestselling author Vince Flynn´s eighth explosive thriller. It´s a gorgeous autumn day in Georgetown. The Democratic candidates for president and vice president of the United States are dutifully glad-handing voters and the […]

Lisa korvi

“The Indus: Lost Civilizations”

When the Greek army of Alexander the Great invaded the valley of the Indus river in the fourth century BC, it was wholly unaware that this region of northwest India had once been the center of a civilization worthy of comparison with those of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Indus civilization flourished for half a […]

Lisa korvi

“Külmem sõda”

Tänapäeva briti ulme menuautori Charles Strossi (1964) Külma sõja ainelisi ulmetöötlusi sisaldavast kogumikust leiab jutustuse “Külmem sõda” ja lühiromaani “Raketikeelutsoon”. Esimest võib pidada omamoodi mõtteliseks järjeks H. P. Lovecrafti “Hullumeelsuse mägedele”, milles Külma sõja aegsed superriigid hakkavad omakasu huvides ära kasutama Antarktikast nende mägede tagant leitud Cthulhu mütoloogiast tuntud monstrumeid. “Raketikeelutsoon” on pöörane tekst, milles […]

Lisa korvi


“Jhereg” on Vlad Taltose sarja esimene raamat. Hetkel on sarjas 13 romaani, plaanitud on 19. Steven Brust, muide, kirjutab tolle dragaeralaste keskel elava seikleja ja palgamõrtsuka lugusid vabas järjekorras, vihjeid on nii eelmistele kui järgmistele sündmustele. Loiosh istus mu vasakul õlal ja jälgis ust. Tellisin valget veini ja ootasin. Märkasin üht oma töötajaist nõusid pesemas, […]

Lisa korvi


Loo tegevus toimub tükk aega pärast Roboti-tetraloogia sündmusi, ent ka väga palju aega enne Asumit – Trantor on alles laienemas, kuigi juba väga võimas, ent Maa evakueerimine veel käib. Tegelikult oli naine ta elu päästnud, oli teda hoidnud neil esimestel kohutavatel päevadel, kui ta ei suutnud häältki teha ega teadnud, misasi on toit. Ühetaolised tööliste […]

Lisa korvi