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The End of Days

“The End of Days”

Winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and the Hans Fallada Prize, The End of Days, by the acclaimed German writer Jenny Erpenbeck, consists essentially of five “books,” each leading to a different death of the same unnamed female protagonist. How could it all have gone differently?―the narrator asks in the intermezzos. The first chapter […]

Lisa korvi


In Change, Mo Yan, the 2012 Nobel Laureate in Literature, personalizes the political and social changes in his country over the past few decades in this novella disguised as autobiography—or vice-versa. Unlike most historical narratives from China, which are pegged to political events, Change is a representative of “people’s history,” a bottom-up rather than top-down […]

Lisa korvi

“Четыре мифа о Первой мировой”

В книгу вошли работы, посвященные загадочным страницам Первой мировой войны: мобилизации 1914 года, делам Мясоедова, Сухомлинова, Протопопова. Автор, привлекая новые источники, подвергает сомнению устоявшиеся мнения историков на эти события, сыгравшие в какой-то мере роковую роль в истории России начала ХХ века.

Lisa korvi


Роман “Странник” выдающегося мастера американской фантастики Ф. Лейбера повествует о всепланетной катастрофе обрушившейся на Землю, о Галактической федерации, о любви и ненависти, о жизни и смерти… В 1965 году роман был награжден премией Хьюго, как лучший научно-фантастический роман года.

Lisa korvi

“Дверь в лето”

В книгу вошли произведения прославленного американского фантаста Роберта Энсона Хайлайна (1907-1988) – роман “Дверь в лето” и ряд рассказов из сборников “История будущего” и “Угроза с Земли”.

Lisa korvi

“Маркиз де Вильмер. Повести и рассказы”

В книгу включены роман известной французской писательницы XIX века Жорж Санд (1804-1876) “Маркиз де Вильмер”, повести и рассказы.

Lisa korvi


Образованию в воспитанию неизбежно предшествует позиция отношений. Именно с этой точки зрения вглядеться в уникальность философии и практики Даосизма позволяют собранные в настоящей книге труд Лао-Цзы, выдержки из важнейших текстов его последователей и художественные зарисовки современности. Человеческий путь от созерцания, отношения к выбору, действию и обратно неизбежный спутник метофизического даоского Пути небытия и недеяния. Проникнуть […]

Lisa korvi

“Ленька Пантелеев”

Одно его имя повергало в ужас нэпманов всех мастей. Он был везуч, нагл и талантлив. Он очаровывал женщин, даря им шубы и золотые кольца, и те в ответ поставляли ему информацию о богатых клиентов. Ленька Пантелеев являлся королем налетчиков и самой колоритной фигурой среди лихих людей Питера. Для него не существовало невозможного. Он мог убежать […]

Lisa korvi

“Холокост. Неизвестные страницы истории”

Подборка документов Гвидо Кноппа (до сих пор самая полная) о геноциде европейских евреев нацистами, построенная на новейших данных, многолетних исследованиях, а также до этого времени не опубликованных архивных материалах, дает точную картину холокоста. Автор описывает путь от Нюрнбергских расовых законов до Ванзейской конференции с ее постановлением об “окончательном решении”, от депортаций еврейского населения до освобождения […]

Lisa korvi
British and American Songs

“British and American Songs”

Song Book: Animal favourites Cowboys and pioneers Hunting, racing, drinking Humour and fun Love Negro spirituals and protest Sailor songs and sea shanties Sociable songs Workers’, farmers’ and peace songs Xmas and other special songs Rounds

Lisa korvi
A Virginia Girl in the Civil War

“A Virginia Girl in the Civil War”

Myrta Lockett Avary was born in Halifax, Virginia December 7, 1857, and was educated in her native state. From her earliest years, she showed promising literary talent. During the War Between the States, two of her brothers served under Robert E. Lee. The siblings were descended from Thomas Marshall, fa-ther of Chief Justice Marshall. Upon […]

Lisa korvi
A Tale of Two Cities

“A Tale of Two Cities”

The complete work + comprehensive study guide It was the time of the French Revolution — a time of great change and great danger. It was a time when injustice was met by a lust for vengeance, and rarely was a distinction made between the innocent and the guilty. Against this tumultuous historical backdrop, Dickens’ […]

Lisa korvi
Sons of God

“Sons of God”

An intensely personal story that ends on the heights of awakened experience. Annalee Skarin is said to have written this under a pen name. (Published in 1954).

Lisa korvi
Secrets from Mount Shasta

“Secrets from Mount Shasta”

Will You Accept an Invitation? You are invited to participate in the astonishing scenes of a higher dimension when an Initiation is conferred. You are invited to join Dr. Earlyne on an initiatory journey and, with her, share many high dimensional “secrets” from the world famous Mount Shasta. See inside one of the “Great Temples” […]

Lisa korvi
Journey to the Center of the Earth

“Journey to the Center of the Earth”

Journey to the Center of the Earth is a classic 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne. The story involves German professor Otto Lidenbrock who believes there are volcanic tubes going toward the centre of the Earth. He, his nephew Axel, and their guide Hans descend into the Icelandic volcano Snæfellsjökull, encountering many adventures, including […]

Lisa korvi
Emptiness dancing

“Emptiness dancing”

Who are you when you are not thinking yourself into existence? What is ultimately behind the set of eyes reading these words? In Emptiness Dancing, Adyashanti invites you to wake up to the essence of what you are, through the natural and spontaneous opening of the mind, heart, and body that holds the secret to […]

Lisa korvi
Lady Chatterley's Lover

“Lady Chatterley’s Lover”

Emotionally and physically isolated from her disabled husband, Lady Constance Chatterley enters into an affair with the couple’s gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors. While she finds physical fulfillment and love with Mellors, Constance is nevertheless forced to confront the differences between the upper and lower classes as she chooses between a future in reduced circumstances with Mellors […]

Lisa korvi
Uniform Justice

“Uniform Justice”

Neither Brunetti nor his wife Paola have ever had much sympathy for the Italian armed forces, so when a young cadet is found hanged, at Venice’s elite military academy, Brunetti’s emotions are complex: pity and sorrow at the death of a boy close in age to his own son, and contempt and irritation for the […]

Lisa korvi
Aqua Alta

“Aqua Alta”

Brunetti is shocked to hear that Brett Lynch, a friend since a murder case at La Fenice, has suffered a savage beating. The attack, in the beautiful palazzo home of Flavia Petrelli, reigning diva of La Scala, had come with a message: ‘Don’t keep that appointment with Dottor Semenzato.’ Then, with the storm clouds gathering […]

Lisa korvi
Blood From A Stone

“Blood From A Stone”

On a cold night shortly before Christmas, an immigrant street vendor is killed in Venice’s Campo Santo Stefano. The nearest witnesses to the event are the tourists who had been browsing the man’s wares before his death – fake handbags of every designer label – but they have seen nothing that might be of much […]

Lisa korvi