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Sinisuka noorteromaan, Stiina soovitab “Ma ei unusta end kunagi, mitte hetkekski. Jälgin ennast kogu aeg: kuulan oma niitsatusi; vaatan, kuidas kombinee mu reiel libiseb; vaatan kõhtu, mis kisub volti nagu vatitekk, kui ma mehe peal ratsutan. Üritan mõelda ka temale ning praegusele hetkele, kuid näen vaid ennast – seda, kuidas ma igasugustes poosides õõtsun. Näen […]

Lisa korvi

“Liikluseeskiri. Liiklusseadus”

Liikluseeskiri – Viies, Liiklusseadusega täiendatud trükk Liiklusseadus – Kuues, parandatud trükk (Taskuformaat)

Lisa korvi

“A ja O taskuteatmik. Riigid ja lipud”

Iga riigi tähtsaim sümbol on lipp. Enim kastuatakse rahvuslippu. Ajalooliselt on rahvuslipp suhteliselt uus nähtus. Enami praegusi lippe on päriteTeise maailmasõja järgsest ajast. Vähem kui kümnendik riikide lippudest on vanemad kui 100 aastat. Lippudest kajastub kokkuvõtlikult ajalugu. Ajaloo pöördepunktid peegelduvad lippudel olevate rahvuslike sümbolite muutumisena. Lipu tausta tundmine annab väärtuslikku teavet riigi ja tema ajaloo […]

Lisa korvi

“A ja O taskuteatmik. 2004”

Universum Maa Loodus Inimene Riik ja rahvas Majandus Tehnika Kultuur Religioon Sport

Lisa korvi

“Mesopotamia. Civilization Begins”

Mesopotamia, in modern-day Iraq, was home to the remarkable ancient civilizations of Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, and Assyria. From the rise of the first cities around 3500 BCE, through the mighty empires of Nineveh and Babylon, to the demise of its native culture around 100 CE, Mesopotamia produced some of the most powerful and captivating art […]

Lisa korvi

“The Scythians. Nomad Warriors of the Steppe”

Brilliant horsemen and great fighters, the Scythians were nomadic horsemen who ranged wide across the grasslands of the Asian steppe from the Altai mountains in the east to the Great Hungarian Plain in the first millennium BC. Their steppe homeland bordered on a number of sedentary states to the south – the Chinese, the Persians […]

Lisa korvi

“Civil War Volumes 1-3. 3 raamatut”

Foote’s comprehensive history of the Civil War includes three compelling volumes: Fort Sumter to Perryville, Fredericksburg to Meridian, and Red River to Appomattox. Collected together in a handsome boxed set, this is the perfect gift for any Civil War buff. Fort Sumter to Perryville The first volume opens with Jefferson Davis’s farewell to the United […]

Lisa korvi

“Signature in the Cell. DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design”

“Signature in the Cell is a defining work in the discussion of life’s origins and the question of whether life is a product of unthinking matter or of an intelligent mind. For those who disagree with ID, the powerful case Meyer presents cannot be ignored in any honest debate. For those who may be sympathetic […]

Lisa korvi

“The Return of the God Hypothesis”

The New York Times bestselling author of Darwin’s Doubt presents groundbreaking scientific evidence of the existence of God, based on breakthroughs in physics, cosmology, and biology. Beginning in the late 19th century, many intellectuals began to insist that scientific knowledge conflicts with traditional theistic belief–that science and belief in God are “at war.” Philosopher of […]

Lisa korvi

“1079. The overwhelming force of Dyatlov Pass”

Height 1079 was the name of the mountain where the nine members of the Dyatlov trekking group perished in 1959. The bizarre circumstances of their death and the ensuing frenzy surrounding the incident brought to attention the original name given to the place by the local Mansi people – Kholat Syakhl, or Dead (Barren) Mountain. […]

Lisa korvi

“Assyrian Empire. A History from Beginning to End”

Assyrian EmpireThe Assyrian Empire was the largest, most powerful, and longest-lasting in the ancient world. It included lands that comprise modern Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, and Cyprus as well as large parts of modern Saudi Arabia, Libya, Turkey, and Iran. The Assyrian army was the most effective, most highly trained, […]

Lisa korvi

“The Fallen”

Amos Decker, David Baldacci’s unique special agent with the gift of a remarkable memory, returns in The Fallen. Small towns which have seen better times are not unusual. But the mysterious events in Baronville, Pennsylvania, are raising the highly-tuned antennae of agent Amos Decker and his FBI partner, Alex Jamison. What was supposed to be […]

Lisa korvi

“Sword of Destiny. Tales of the Witcher”

Geralt the Witcher – revered and hated – holds the line against the monsters plaguing humanity in the bestselling series that inspired the hit Witcher Netflix show and video games. Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, a man whose magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet […]

Lisa korvi

“Stories from Ancient Canaan, Second Edition”

The texts from ancient Ugarit are among the most important modern discoveries for understanding the Bible. For more than thirty years, Stories from Ancient Canaan has been recognized as a highly authoritative and readable presentation of the principal Canaanite myths and epics discovered at Ugarit. This fully revised edition takes into account advances in the […]

Lisa korvi

“The Swindler and Lazarillo de Tormes. Two Spanish Picaresque Novels”

The unlikely heroes of the Spanish picaresque novels make their way – by whatever means they can – through a colourful and seamy underworld populated by unsavoury beggars, corrupt priests, eccentrics, whores and criminals. Both Lazarillo de Tormesand Pablos the swindler are determined to attain the trappings of the gentleman, but have little time for […]

Lisa korvi

“Learn Greek Without a Teacher”

A mordern method to learn Greek in 25 lessons  

Lisa korvi

“The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt”

The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt uniquely covers 700,000 years of ancient Egypt from the stone age to the Roman conquest. The story of the ancient Egyptians, from their prehistoric origins to their conquest by the Persians, Greeks, and Romans makes for fascinating reading, with subjects ranging from the changing nature of life and death […]

Lisa korvi

“Академическое востоковедение в России и странах ближнего зарубежья (2007-2015)”

Настоящее издание включает в себя научные разработки ведущих российских ученых и их коллег из ближнего зарубежья в различных областях востоковедения – археологии, истории, нумизматике, филологии и эпиграфике, позволяющие существенно дополнить наши представления о цивилизациях древнего и средневекового Востока. Кроме того, в нем содержатся разнообразные материалы мемориального, информационного и справочного характера. Эта книга выходит как третий […]

Lisa korvi

“Тайная доктрина I-III. 3 raamatut”

raamat “Космогенезис” «Тайная Доктрина» Е. П. Блаватской — фундаментальный труд, открывший перед человечеством древние знания о возникновении и эволюции Вселенной и человека. Эта книга заложила основы теософии и современной эзотерической духовности. Е.П. Блаватская мыслила свой труд как синтез науки, религии и философии. В томе I «Космогенезис» рассматривается вопросы, связанные с рождением и развитием Мироздания как […]

Lisa korvi

“Индия – колыбель человечества”

“Индия – колыбель человечества, прородительница всех других наций, рассадник всех утерянных искусств и наук древности, которые для самой старой Индии были уже утеряны в киммерийском мраке архаических веков. Мы утверждаем, что если Египет дал Греции ее цивилизацию, и последняя передала ее Риму, то Египет сам в те неизвестные века, когда царствовал Менес (первый египетский царь, […]

Lisa korvi