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101 reasons for a Citizen's Income

“101 reasons for a Citizen’s Income”

Arguments for Giving Everyone Some Money. 101 Reasons for a Citizens Income offers a short, accessible introduction to the debate on a Citizens Income, showing how a universal, unconditional income for every citizen would solve problems facing the UKs benefits system, tackle poverty, and improve social cohesion and economic efficiency. For anyone new to the […]

Lisa korvi
C.G. Jung & Hermann Hesse

“C.G. Jung and Hermann Hesse. A Record of Two Friendships”

Miguel Serrano, a Chilean diplomat and writer who has traveled widely in India studying Yoga, had a close friendship with Jung and Hesse at the end of their lives. This book is the outcome of his meetings and correspondence with them. Many letters are reproduced including documents of great importance written to the author by […]

Lisa korvi
Emotions, myths and theories

“Emotions, myths and theories”

Contents: Foreword A contribution to the history of an old dilemma did Hume think animals perceive the world? humanisation of nature time and space as objective entities the sensory world in the light of ascending reason myths and logic the social premisses of reason what is “Experience”? class and the human in socio-historical experience Puuduvad […]

Lisa korvi

“Evil in Modern Thought. An Alternative History of Philosophy”

With a new afterword by the author – Susan Neiman. A compelling look at the problem of evil in modern thought, from the Inquisition to global terrorism Evil threatens human reason, for it challenges our hope that the world makes sense. For eighteenth-century Europeans, the Lisbon earthquake was manifest evil. Today we view evil as […]

Lisa korvi

“Five Proofs of Existence of God”

This book provides a detailed, updated exposition and defense of five of the historically most important (but in recent years largely neglected) philosophical proofs of God’s existence: the Aristotelian, the Neo-Platonic, the Augustinian, the Thomistic, and the Rationalist. It also offers a thorough treatment of each of the key divine attributes-unity, simplicity, eternity, omnipotence, omniscience, […]

Lisa korvi
Humanism vs Humanity

“Humanism vs Humanity”

This lengthy and fascinating essay focuses on the question “What does it mean to be a human being?” It argues for the view that a human can act as a human only by communication with other humans, which in turn inevitably implies morality, culture, division of labor between the sexes, etc. Many of these phenomena […]

Lisa korvi

“Mind Is a Myth”

Disquieting Conversations with the Man Called U. G. “When the questions you have resolve into just one question – your question – then that question must detonate, explode, and disappear entirely, leaving behind a smoothly functioning biological organism, free of the distortion and interference of the separative thinking structure.” – U. G. Krishnamurti ” Here […]

Lisa korvi

“Politics and the English Language”

Biographer Michael Shelden called Orwell’s Politics and the English Language “his most important essay on style”. First published in 1946, the essay exploded the language trends of the time and served as an inflection point in the debate about communication in the 20th century. Politics and the English Language Review of Mein Kampf Vihik.

Lisa korvi
Prejudices: A Philosophical Dictionary

“Prejudices. A Philosophical Dictionary”

A great moralist and social thinker illuminates the most vexing issues of our time―war, old age, racism, abortion, boredom, crime and punishment, sociobiology, and seventy odd others―in a dazzling book that is by turns hilarious and somber but always vigorous and stimulating. Upon each subject Robert Nisbet offers piercing and often unexpected insights. Joining the […]

Lisa korvi
Profit Over People. Neoliberalism and Global Order

“Profit Over People. Neoliberalism and Global Order”

Why is the Atlantic slowly filling with crude petroleum, threatening a millions-of-years-old ecological balance? Why did traders at prominent banks take high-risk gambles with the money entrusted to them by hundreds of thousands of clients around the world, expanding and leveraging their investments to the point that failure led to a global financial crisis that […]

Lisa korvi
Pure White and Deadly

“Pure White and Deadly”

A Telegraph Top 10 Diet Book, Pure White and Deadly by John Yudkin is a must-read for those concerned with how much sugar we consume every day. Sugar. It’s killing us. Why do we eat so much of it? What are its hidden dangers? In 1972, when British scientist John Yudkin first proved that sugar […]

Lisa korvi

“The Art of War : The Ancient Classic”

The original and bestselling leadership book! Sun Tzu’s ideas on survival and success have been read across the world for centuries. Today they can still be applied to business, politics and life. The Art of War demonstrates how to win without conflict. It shows that with enough intelligence and planning, it is possible to conquer […]

Lisa korvi

“The Courage to Stand Alone”

“He turns everything upside down … There is some compelling purity about him, some way in which he captures a kind of longing that we all seem to have for a genuinely wise human being. A paradox, a wonder, a marvel …” – Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson author of The Assault on Truth and My Father´s […]

Lisa korvi

“The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World : The Missing Secret Behind the Law of Attraction That Will Enable You to Finally Manifest Your Desires”

Millions of people have been seduced by the lure of the Law of Attraction and its promise of manifesting wealth, health and all the good things in life. However, the practice of the Law of Attraction as it is currently taught yields disappointing — or even harmful — results. “The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the […]

Lisa korvi

“The Mystique of Enlightenment”

The Radical Ideas of U. G. Krishnamurti “U. G. Krishnamurti claims that he cannot help us in our quest for enlightenment. Paradoxically, I find this refreshingly helpful. This work is an expression of U.G.´s exquisite mastery in penetrating the many illusions to be found on the spiritual path. I highly recommend it.” – Jeffrey Mishlove, […]

Lisa korvi
Walden and Civil Disobedience

“Walden and Civil Disobedience”

Henry David Thoreau reflects on life, politics, and society in these two inspiring masterworks: Walden and Civil Disobedience. In 1845, Thoreau moved to a cabin that he built with his own hands along the shores of Walden Pond in Massachusetts. Shedding the trivial ties that he felt bound much of humanity, Thoreau reaped from the […]

Lisa korvi