Näitan 561–564 tulemust 564-st

“Your Brother´s Blood”

Barkley does not suffer the wicked to live Thomas is thirty-two. He lives in the small town of Barkley. He has a wife there, Sarah, and a child, Mary; good solid names from the Good Book. And he is on his way home from the war, where he has been serving as a conscripted soldier. […]

Lisa korvi

“Yunnan, “Shangri-La” over the Horizon”

Panoramic China It is easy to have a quick look at China´s past and present, but it takes time to gain a panoramic knowledge of China. The “Panoramic China” series is meant to assist readers, especially those overseas, in this respect. Each volume in the series focuses on a province, municipality or autonomous region, describing, […]

Lisa korvi
Zen of Drawing: How to Draw What You See

“Zen of Drawing: How to Draw What You See”

Zen of Drawing inspires you to pick up a pen, pencil or an iPad and start drawing what you see with a ‘zen’ approach. Author Peter Parr has spent his career in animation successfully teaching people to draw and encouraging students to nurture their skills through observational drawing. He advocates a fresh way of looking […]

Lisa korvi
Аура успеха

“Аура успеха”

Аура – это источник вашей внутренней красоты и силы. Это энергетическая сущность, являющаяся вашим эфирным телом, связывающая вас с прошлым и будущим, со всеми, кого вы знаете и любите. А еще это большая загадка, удивительная тайна, раскрыв которую вы станете совсем другим человеком: более мудрым и рассудительным, более жизнерадостным и удачливым, умеющим с честью преодолевать […]

Lisa korvi