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“Foundation: A History of England Volume I”

Having written enthralling biographies of London and of its great river, The Thames Peter Ackroyd now turns to England itself. This first volume of six takes us from the time that England was first settled, more than 15,000 years ago, to the death in 1509 of the first Tudor monarch, Henry VII. In it, Ackroyd […]

Lisa korvi
From Atlantis to the Sphinx. Recovering the Lost Wisdom of the Ancient World

“From Atlantis to the Sphinx. Recovering the Lost Wisdom of the Ancient World”

Revised & updated. Includes startling new revelations about the age of civilisation and the location of the lost city of Atlantis. In 1991 a Boston professor of geology made a shocking announcement – the Sphinx had been weathered by water, and not wind-blown sand as previously thought. This would make it thousands of years older […]

Lisa korvi

“From war to cold war – Anglo-Finnsh relations in the 20th century”

The so called “short twentieth century” saw Britain and Finland at war and in peace with each other. The Cold War created a troubled relationship between a major Western power and a frontline state within the Soviet sphere of interest, while the end of the conflict facilitated a transformation of their relations and views of […]

Lisa korvi

“Genesis Revisited (Earth Chronicles)”

Modern Technology . . . or Knowledge of the Ancients? Space travel . . . Genetic engineering . . . Computer science . . . Astounding achievements as new as tomorrow. But stunning recent evidence proves that as these ultramodern advances were known to our forfathers millions of yrsterdays ago . . . as early […]

Lisa korvi

“Genghis Khan: Life, Death and Resurrection”

Genghis Khan is one of history´s immortals: a leader of genius and the founder of the world´s greatest land empire – twice the size of Rome´s. His mysterious death in 1227 placed all at risk, so it was kept a secret until his heirs had secured his conquests. Secrecy has surrounded him ever since. His […]

Lisa korvi

“Ghosts, Apparitions and Poltergeists: An Exploration of the Supernatural Through History”

A strange thumping began, and it seemed to come from the ceiling above the girl´s room… Skeletal remains rotting behind cellar walls, temple priests removing brains with iron hooks, phantom locomotives roaring across midnight plains – Brian Righi isn´t making this stuff up. The ghost stories he finds in history are far more chilling than […]

Lisa korvi

“Gods of the Bible. A New Interpretation of the Bible Reveals the Oldest Secret in History”

A new interpretation of the Bible reveals the oldest secret in history. If you read the Bible literally, everything becomes understandable and plain because the biblical authors did not feel the need, as we do, to advocate for a precise monotheistic theological perspective or a moral authority of religious order. Through the pages of this […]

Lisa korvi

“Gruesome Harvest”

The book Gruesome Harvest, should be on the mandatory highschool and college reading list for history and sociology. It is one of the few books that are available in English that address the murder of millions of non-combatant German civilians and German prisoners of war from 1944 to 1950 as a matter of deliberate allied […]

Lisa korvi

“Harold: The Last Anglo-Saxon King”

King Harold Godwineson (c.1022-66) is one of history´s shadowy figures, known mainly for his defeat and death at the Battle of Hastings. His true status and achievements have been overshadowed by the events of October 1066 and by the bias imposed by the Norman victory. In truth, he deserves to be recalled as one of […]

Lisa korvi
Hawkwood. Diabolical Englishman

“Hawkwood. Diabolical Englishman”

The second son of a minor Essex landowner, John Hawkwood chose to head south in 1360 after serving as a captain in the Black Prince’s wars against France. He and other freebooters besieged the Pope at Avignon, and when they were paid to go to Italy, discovered that the threat of force could be very […]

Lisa korvi

“Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947”

It was the most deadly and destructive war in human history. Millions were killed, billions in property was destroyed, ancient cultures were reduced to rubble — World War II was truly man´s greatest cataclysm. Thousands of books, movies and documentary films have been devoted to the war. There has never been such a terrible retelling […]

Lisa korvi
Hezbollah: The Changing Face of Terrorism

“Hezbollah. The changing face of terrorism”

Since the assassination of Rafik Hariri in early 2005, Lebanese politics has been plunged into a new era. Will Syrian withdrawal send the country back into civil war? How will the seismic political shifts underway affect the stability of the region? At the center of the turmoil stands one player that will affect the outcome […]

Lisa korvi

“History of Charles XII”

Special introduction A study of the life and character of Charles XII by the greatest writer of French prose must of itself be an event in history. Charles XII was one of the most brilliant and, if the word be not an anti-climax, one of the most interesting figures in the story of modern Europe. […]

Lisa korvi

“How the Irish Saved Civiliszation: The Untold Story of Ireland´s Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe”

National bestseller From the fall of Rome to the rise of Charlemagne – the “dark ages” – learning, scholarship, and culture disappeared from the European continent. The great heritage of Western civilization – from the Greek and Roman classics to Jewish and Christian works – would have been utterly lost were it not for the […]

Lisa korvi

“How Westminster Works…and Why It Doesn’t”

British politics is broken. Anyone sitting down to watch the news will get the sense that something has gone terribly wrong. We have prime ministers who detonate the economy, secretaries of state who are intellectually incapable of doing the job and MPs who seem temperamentally unsuited to the role. Expertise is denigrated. Lies are rewarded. […]

Lisa korvi

“Imhotep – The African. Architect of the Cosmos”

An Exploration of Imhotep – Architect of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, High Priest of Ra, and Royal Astronomer – as Well as His Influence as the True Father of African Civilization. In this groundbreaking book, Egyptologist Robert Bauval and astrophysicist Thomas Brophy uncover the mystery of Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian superstar, pharaonic Da Vinci, […]

Lisa korvi

“In The Shadow of The Sword”

The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient World “A compelling detective story of the highest order; also a dazzlingly colourful journey into the world of late antiquity … A profoundly importanta book” – Christopher Hart, Sunday Times “Holland´s new book traces the process by which the world of the first millennium […]

Lisa korvi
Indians of the American Southwest

“Indians of the American Southwest”

Through informative text and full-color photos, this book tells the story of the prehistoric and present day Native American cultures of the Southwest. Includes Anasazi, Hohokam, and Simagma.

Lisa korvi


It took nearly two millennia for the enemies of the Catholic Church to realize they could not successfully attack the Church from the outside. Indeed, countless nemeses from Nero to Napoleon succeeded only in creating sympathy and martyrs for our Catholic Faith. That all changed in the mid-19th century, when clandestine societies populated by Modernists […]

Lisa korvi

“Inside the FDA. The Business and Politics Behind the Drugs We Take and Food We Eat”

“Americans count on this agency to make sure that we have a steady stream of wonderful new pills that are potent and perfectly safe at the same time, as well as a supermarket full of goodies we can gobble up without worrying about food poisoning.” – From the Introduction Because of the importance of what […]

Lisa korvi