Näitan 21–40 tulemust 148-st

“Benjamin Franklin in London”

the British Life of America´s Founding Father For the great majority of his life, Benjamin Franklin was a loyal British royalist. In 1757, with a fortune made in Philadelphia and international fame as an experimental scientist, he came to live as a gentleman in the heaving metropolis of 18th-century London. With just a brief interlude, […]

Lisa korvi

“Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons”

A riveting thriller reminiscent of The Hot Zone, this true story dives into the mystery surrounding one of the most controversial and misdiagnosed conditions of our time–Lyme disease–and of Willy Burgdorfer, the man who discovered the microbe behind it, revealing his secret role in developing bug-borne biological weapons, and raising terrifying questions about the genesis […]

Lisa korvi

“Black Hundred: The Rise of the Extreme Right in Russia”

This pioneering study by eminent historian Walter Laqueur focuses on one of the most significant political forces to emerge in Russia since the fall of communism. The collapse of the Soviet Union has led to the second coming of the Russian right – an inchoate movement whose roots lie in the previous century and whose […]

Lisa korvi


Boudica has been immortalised throughout history as the woman who dared take on the Romans – an act of vengeance on behalf of her daughters, tribe and enslaved country. Her known life is a rich tapestry of wife, widow, mother, queen and Celtic quasi-Goddess. But beneath this lies a history both dark and shocking, with […]

Lisa korvi
C.G. Jung & Hermann Hesse

“C.G. Jung and Hermann Hesse. A Record of Two Friendships”

Miguel Serrano, a Chilean diplomat and writer who has traveled widely in India studying Yoga, had a close friendship with Jung and Hesse at the end of their lives. This book is the outcome of his meetings and correspondence with them. Many letters are reproduced including documents of great importance written to the author by […]

Lisa korvi


In Change, Mo Yan, the 2012 Nobel Laureate in Literature, personalizes the political and social changes in his country over the past few decades in this novella disguised as autobiography—or vice-versa. Unlike most historical narratives from China, which are pegged to political events, Change is a representative of “people’s history,” a bottom-up rather than top-down […]

Lisa korvi

“Christus Vincit: Christ’s Triumph Over the Darkness of the Age”

In this absorbing interview, Bishop Athanasius Schneider offers a candid, incisive examination of controversies raging in the Church and the most pressing issues of our times. His insights into the challenges facing Christ’s flock are essential reading for those who wish to be alert to the signs of the times.

Lisa korvi

“Civil War Volumes 1-3. 3 raamatut”

Foote’s comprehensive history of the Civil War includes three compelling volumes: Fort Sumter to Perryville, Fredericksburg to Meridian, and Red River to Appomattox. Collected together in a handsome boxed set, this is the perfect gift for any Civil War buff. Fort Sumter to Perryville The first volume opens with Jefferson Davis’s farewell to the United […]

Lisa korvi
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

“Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”

The shocking story of how America really took over the world. As an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins helped further American imperial interests in countries such as Ecuador, Panama, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. As Chief Economist for the international consulting firm Chas. T. Main, he convinced underdeveloped countries to accept massive loans for infrastructure development […]

Lisa korvi

“Deliver us from Evil”

A restoration tragedy of revenge and redemption “Tom Holland is a born storyteller” – Guardian Deep winter, 1659. A killer is abroad on Salisbury Plain. Roundhead officer Captain Foxe fears that the horribly mutilated bodies found at ancient pagan sites point to a more than mortal cause. A long-buried evil, from the very depths of […]

Lisa korvi

“Diplomatic Deceptions — Anglo-Soviet relations and the Fate of Finland 1944-1948”

Diplomatic deceptions reveals the true extent of the British initiatives that placed Finland’s fate in Soviet hands in 1944 and the acts of diplomatic deception subsequently employed to conceal the truth from the Finnish people. Before the drawing up of the Finnish Armistice, the British, hoping to strengthen the Anglo-Soviet Alliance, instigated a series of […]

Lisa korvi

“Divine Encounters”

A Guide to Visions, Angels, and Other Emissaries – Avon New Age Explores how information from spiritual beings has been imparted to humans by means such as prophecies, scripture, angels, dreams, and extraterrestrial phenomena. The Ultimate Human Experience The interaction between mankind and spiritual beings — of Divine Encounters — as recorded inscriptures and ancient […]

Lisa korvi

“Dyatlov Pass Keeps Its Secret”

In the winter of 1959, nine hikers vanished under eerie circumstances on the slopes of the Northern Ural Mountains in Russia. A month later their corpses were found, maimed and broken by eldritch forces. This incident has provoked wild speculation among even the most skeptical crowds, stimulated discussion among every conspiracy theorist in Russia, and […]

Lisa korvi

“Dynasty. The Rise and Fall of The House of Caesar.”

The family that transformed Rome “A masterly account of this first wicked century of the Roman Empire” – Adam Nicolson, Sunday Times “Holland does not just tell the story of the reign of the Julio-Claudian family. He knits the history of ancient Rome into his narrative – its founding myths, the fall of the republic, […]

Lisa korvi

“Egypt: The World of the Pharaohs”

Roman emperors, Arab scholars, and early travelers were already drawn to and enchanted by the fascination of the land along the Nile. The pyramids of Giza, the temple-city of Karnak, or the Valley of the Kings with the grave of Tutankhamen even today maintain their extraordinary force of attraction. Across the centuries the high culture […]

Lisa korvi

“Egyptian Grammar”

Although the first edition of the study appeared over seventy years ago, Gardiner´s Egyptian Grammar remains the most comprehensive presentation of Middle Egyptian available, and is still an essential reference tool for all advanced work in the language. The latest, third, edition, appeared in 1957 and is now in its tenth reprinting. After each new […]

Lisa korvi
Ending the US War in Afghanistan. A Primer

“Ending the US War in Afghanistan. A Primer”

The Bush administration answered the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 with what it called the “global war on terror”, first the assault on and invasion of Afghanistan and then the invasion and occupation of Iraq. More and more Americans joined the opposition to the Iraq war, but for some, Afghanistan remained “the good war”. […]

Lisa korvi

“Europe´s Tragedy: A New History of the Thirty Years War”

The Thirty Years War was on of the longest and most devastating conflicts in European history. Nearly all the major European powers were drawn into this violent religious and political crisis, which raged across the continent between 1618 and 1648. It killed around a quarter of all Germans, with marauding bands of mercenaries laying waste […]

Lisa korvi

“Fibula, Fabula, Fact. The Viking Age in Finland”

“Were there Vikings in Finland?” Fibula, Fabula, Fact – The Viking Age in Finland is intended to provide essential foundations for approaching the Viking Age in Finland. The volume consists of a general introduction followed by nineteen chapters and a closing discussion. The nineteen chapters are oriented to provide introductions to the sources, methods and […]

Lisa korvi
Finland: Myth and Reality

“Finland: Myth and Reality”

According to popular myth, the Finns are a nation living on the razor’s edge, in the shadow of Soviet power, forever walking a tightrope without a safetynet. In reality, as is shown by Max Jakobson in this book, Finland’s progress from the ordeal of the Second World War to present-day affluence and stability is a […]

Lisa korvi