Näitan 61–76 tulemust 76-st

The Law of One. Book III

“The Law of One. Book III”

by Ra, an humble messenger of The Law of One. The Law of One, Book Three builds on the information presented in Books One and Two, continuing the exploration of the nature and balancing of the energy centers, sexual energy transfers, healing, reincarnation, meditation and wanderers. The nature of psychic prophecy is explored in Book […]

Lisa korvi
The Law of One

“The Law of One. Book IV”

by Ra, an humble messenger of The Law of One. Book Four of the Law of One is the last of the books in the Law of One series. Book Four explores in great detail the archetypical mind which is the framework provided by our Logos or sun body to aid each of us in […]

Lisa korvi
The Sanity We Are Born With

“The Sanity We Are Born With”

A Buddhist Approach to Psychology. “Chögyam Trungpa was the first Buddhist master to present Buddhism in a psychological language that spoke directly to the Western mind. This highly recommended volume, which brings together his penetrating views on Buddhist and Western psychology, will be of great interest to psychotherapists, students of Dharma, and anyone who is […]

Lisa korvi
The Science Of The Spoken Word

“The Science Of The Spoken Word”

The authors present the most powerful and profound message on techniques of spoken prayer in print today. This important work explains how to use worded formulas to access the full spectrum of spiritual light for personal and world transformation. The Prophets introduce the violet flame, an accelerated spiritual energy that can transmute the cause behind […]

Lisa korvi
The Secret Gateway

“The Secret Gateway”

Modern Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom Tradition. Praise for The Secret Gateway, portal to the wisdom of the inner self. Edward Abdill simplifies the essence of Theosophy using the power and beauty of story. He points out that we need a very different kind of science – a “science of spirit” – to explore the […]

Lisa korvi
The Secret of the Runes

“The Secret of the Runes”

The runes are said to have “revealed themselves” to von List, uncovering a complete cosmology and esoteric understanding of the primeval Teutonic/Aryan peoples, and becoming the cornerstone of his ideology. No other work so clearly and simply sets forth the full spectrum of von List’s fantastic vision of a mystical philosophy based on Germanic principles.

Lisa korvi
The Serpent Power

“The Serpent Power”

The Ancient Egyptian Mystical Wisdom of the Inner Life Force. This Volume specifically deals with the latent life Force energy of the universe and in the human body, its control and sublimation. How to develop the Life Force energy of the subtle body. This Volume will introduce the esoteric wisdom of the science of how […]

Lisa korvi
The Seven Sacred Flames

“The Seven Sacred Flames”

This beautiful,sacred hard cover book has been published in full color throughout. It contains 16 color graphics of the Masters of Wisdom, mainly those representing the Guardians of the Sacred Flames. The book is printed on high quality glossy paper with a gold satin ribbon to mark your place. The exterior is gilded in gold. […]

Lisa korvi
The Source Adventure

“The Source Adventure”

Life is discovery, and this book is a journey of discovery to learn to grow, to recognize the opportunities: to be aware. It asks the big question, “Why am I here?” and leads the reader to examine the most significant questions of a lifetime. Have you often asked yourself, “Why do I exist? Why am […]

Lisa korvi
The Story of Sanat Kumara: Training a Planetary Logos

“The Story of Sanat Kumara. Training a Planetary Logos”

How was the beauty of this world created? The answer is in the story of Earth’s Logos, the great being Sanat Kumara. A journey through his eyes as he learns the real-life lessons of training along the path of mastery.

Lisa korvi
Unclutter Your Space with Feng Shui

“Unclutter your space with FENG SHUI”

A simple and helpful book about using Feng Shui principles to make your home and personal space comfortable and uncluttered.

Lisa korvi
Walking Back to Happiness

“Walking Back to Happiness”

Slightly overweight, pale and discontented, Christine begins her journey from southern France to Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain on a quest to fit into a deliciously skimpy silk Bellino top. Along “The Way”, she meets characters whose paths intertwine with hers for a few days or for a lifetime. In lurid detail and with […]

Lisa korvi
Wisdom of the Tarot

“Wisdom of the Tarot”

This book relates the path to higher consciousness through the colour, shape, and symbolic forms on the twenty-two Tarot cards. Detailed study and meditation of each card may release internally all that is involved with each level encountered on the journey towards the Light. These cards may be used in conjunction with the text or […]

Lisa korvi

“You are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading & Healing”

The art of clairvoyant reading & healing. Develop your clairvoyant abilities. Clairvoyance is the ability to see visual information through extrasensory means. It is like watching a movie unfold before your eyes, or dreaming while you are awake. According to Debra Lynne Katz, anyone who can visualize a simple shape or color has basic clairvoyant […]

Lisa korvi
Your Ascension Mission. Embracing Your Puzzle Piece

“Your Ascension Mission. Embracing Your Puzzle Piece”

We are all as unique as individual snowflakes, intricately designed so that no two are alike; yet when observed as a whole, we form the blended essence of lightworkers, merging into vaster and fuller aspects of God, the one great whole. Each of us holds a very specialized piece of the divine puzzle of God, […]

Lisa korvi
Аура успеха

“Аура успеха”

Аура – это источник вашей внутренней красоты и силы. Это энергетическая сущность, являющаяся вашим эфирным телом, связывающая вас с прошлым и будущим, со всеми, кого вы знаете и любите. А еще это большая загадка, удивительная тайна, раскрыв которую вы станете совсем другим человеком: более мудрым и рассудительным, более жизнерадостным и удачливым, умеющим с честью преодолевать […]

Lisa korvi