“Secrets from Mount Shasta”
Will You Accept an Invitation? You are invited to participate in the astonishing scenes of a higher dimension when an Initiation is conferred. You are invited to join Dr. Earlyne on an initiatory journey and, with her, share many high dimensional “secrets” from the world famous Mount Shasta. See inside one of the “Great Temples” […]
“Self Healing, Yoga and Destiny”
Presents concepts which explain the attitudes necessary for the path back to one’s self. This book provides an understanding of how to realise the essential source of life. It helps readers learn the authors views on: love; accidents; suffering; destiny; black and white magic; illness; and, self healing and transformation.
“Shambhala. Mt. Shasta, Telos, Lemuria, and Sacred Earth Sites. On Assignment with Adama. Book I”
In On Assignment with Adama, you will meet Adama as I did, atop Mt Shasta in California in 1999. I quite unexpectedly heard his voice speak to me. Hearing the message that day, I agreed to begin a work with Adama on behalf of humanity. I agreed to travel throughout the Earth, visit and seal […]
“Soul Psychology. Keys to Ascension”
There are tens of thousands of self-help books on psychology and human relationships; however, there are very few that integrate the topics of the soul and spirit into the picture. Most books on this subject focus on personality-level self-actualization. The new wave in the field of psychology is transpersonal or soul psychology, which will lead […]
“Talmud of Immanuel”
“… and they will call him Immanuel – which means God with us.” – Matthew 1:23 On our travels around this planet, the publishers were introduced to a document called the Talmud of Jimmanuel while in Switzerland visiting the UFO contactee E. Billy Meier. Some 30 years ago it was translated from Aramaic into German, […]
“The Ascended Masters Light the Way. Beacons of Ascension”
Lives and teachings of 40 of the world’s greatest saints and spirituals beacons provide a blueprint for total self-realization. Guidance from those who mastered the secrets in their lifetimes.
“The Body of Myth. Mythology, Shamanic Trance, and the Sacred Geography of the Body”
Long ago the ancestors of the Greeks, Romans, and Hindus were one people living on the Eurasian steppes. At the core of their religion was the “shamanic trance,” a natural state but one in which consciousness achieves a profound level of inner awareness. Over the course of millennia, the Indo-Europeans divided and migrated into Europe […]
“The Book of Dzyan”
Being a Manuscript Curiously Received by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky with Diverse and Rare Texts fo Related Interest Selected and Introduced by Tim Maroney. The Book of Dzyan and commentary from the Secret Doctrine together with related texts and a new biographical essay. “The Stanzas, therefore, give an abstract formula which can be applied, mutatis mutandis, […]
“The Book of Life. Ascension and the divine world order”
The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order is your key to an empowered and fearless understanding of the accelerating changes now under way on this planet. Putting spirituality, the shift, and the end-times in proper political context, The Book of Life gives you what you need to know not only so that […]
“The Book of Light. The Nature of God, the Structure of Consciousness and the Universe within You”
When you are ready to remove your chains… The Book of Light is a spiritual tour-de-force that will take you on a journey of enlightenment and empowerment like no other. Expressing only the highest spiritual truths, yet written in the same down-to-earth manner as all Michael Sharp’s books, The Book of Light will leave you […]
“The Complete Anunnaki Bible. A Source Book of Esoteric Archaeology”
The Original Anunnaki Bible! Discover the secret library of Sumerian cuneiform tablets kept by the oldest Babylonian mystery school of Mesopotamia and preserving the most ancient writings on the planet. The revised and updated 10th Anniversary Commemorative Edition of the Mardukite underground classic available in paperback for the first time! The Anunnaki Bible of Mesopotamia… […]
“The Fifth Gospel”
“The Fifth Gospel From the Akashic Record” From his clairvoyant reading of the spiritual Akashic Record – the cosmic memory of all events, actions and thoughts – Rudolf Steiner was able to speak of aspects of the life of Jesus Christ which are not contained in the four biblical Gospels. Such research, in that it […]
“The Full Spectrum Synthesis Bible: Wisdom Quotes of the Masters of All Religions and Spiritual Paths!”
This new book, I very humbly state, is one of the most profound books I have ever written! This book contains exactly what the title states: the best “Wisdom Quotes” the world has ever known from all religions and all Spiritual paths. All Bibles of all religions are wonderful and beautiful. This most unique book […]
“The Golden Book of Melchizedek. Volume 1 and 2” 2 raamatut
Book 1: How to Become an Integrated Christ/Buddha in This Lifetime Volume 1. One of the most revolutionary cutting edge books ever written on Melchizedek, Ascension and the Path of God Realization! Dr Stone considers this book, of the 27 books in his Ascension Book Series, to be one of his best! Absolutely Spiritually electrying […]
“The Incarnation of Ahriman”
7 selected lectures, various cities, October 27 – December 28, 1919. Ahriman is a significant figure of Persian mythology. Rudolf Steiner, however, spoke of Ahriman as an actual, living spiritual entity. This being, he said, works to embed human beings firmly into their physicality, thus encouraging dull, materialistic attitudes and a coarse, dry intellect. In […]
“The Isaiah Effect. Decoding The Lost Science Of Prayer And Prophecy”
In The Isaiah Effect, scientist and visionary Gregg Braden offers a radical departure from traditional interpretations of Isaiah’s text. Weaving state-of-the-art research with his extensive knowledge of the ancient Essenes (the creators of the scroll texts), Braden invites us on a journey where science and miracles are merged into a new wisdom – and lead […]
“The Law of One. Book I”
by Ra, an humble messenger of The Law of One. Who are the ancient astronauts? Why did they first come to Earth? Why are they returning now? What part did they play in building the great monuments of antiquity? What part did they play in the formation of present and earlier civilizations? With what other […]
“The Law of One. Book II”
by Ra, an humble messenger of The Law of One. In Book Two of The Law of One, the nature of each of the densities or dimensions of this octave of creation is explored in detail, with special emphasis given to how evolution from our third density to the fourth density is accomplished. The relationship […]