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Guardian Angels: Connecting with Our Spiritual Guides and Helpers

“Guardian Angels. Connecting with Our Spiritual Guides and Helpers”

Traditional folklore has spoken of guardian angels who guide and protect us. However, although there are numerous stories of the miraculous intervention of these beings, some people still write them off as myth and superstition. Based on his own personal experience and cognition, Rudolf Steiner spoke of guardian angels and other spiritual beings as a […]

Lisa korvi
Hidden Mysteries: ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension

“Hidden Mysteries: ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension”

The Essenes, the Kahunas of Hawaii, Pan and the nature kingdom, the angelic kingdom, the Vedas and Upanishads, the Kabbalah, the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, the Egyptian mysteries, and The Keys of Enoch – These profound spiritual teachings, unknown to so many on our planet, are a valuable resource to anyone wishing to move further […]

Lisa korvi
How to Teach Ascension Classes

“How to Teach Ascension Classes”

This book serves as an ideal foundation for teaching ascension classes and doing workshops. The inner-plane ascended masters have guided Dr. Stone to put together this book, using his Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path as its foundation. Here you will find an entire one- to two-year program of classes for teaching from one to […]

Lisa korvi
Initiation in the Great Pyramid

“Initiation in the Great Pyramid”

Initation in the Great Pyramid… Imagine yourself in the King´s Chamber of the Great Pyramid. You lie down in the sarcophagus from which, through long ago centuries, the freed spirits of Initiates have vaulted into greater dimensions for still higher initiations. Suddenly you are transported into ages past. Your consciousness unlocks and opens the door […]

Lisa korvi


An autobiography that connects the twentieth century European life of internationally beloved teacher Elisabeth Haich and her lucid memories of initiation into the hidden mystical teachings of the priesthood in ancient Egypt. It reveals her insights into the subtle workings of karma, reincarnation, and spiritual development.

Lisa korvi
Initiations And Initiates In Tibet

“Initiations And Initiates In Tibet”

An aged figure now, ninety years old, Madame Alexandra David-Neel lives in retirement at her villa of Samten Dzong (a Tibetan name) near Nice in France. But her work was done long since, her mission accomplished. Henceforth she belongs in the category of the timeless ones, the spiritual immortals. It is astonishing to realize afresh […]

Lisa korvi
Intuitive Living

“Intuitive Living”

A Sacred Path. A guidebook for your personal journey to self-discovery, co-creation and intuitive development. Alan Seale takes us on a journey to awaken and reconnect with Spirit, the inner voice so many of us distrust or even ignore. A modern spiritual guidebook, Intuitive Living presents meditations, journaling, and exercises that teach us to listen, […]

Lisa korvi

“Kundalini Yoga: The Mysteries of the Fire”

Unlock the Divine Spiritual Power Within You. Ancient Secrets of Hinduism Revealed. For thousands of years, many have wondered at the tales of the mysterious force called “the srepent power” or the “kundalini”, yet the method to attain this power has been hidden, misunderstood, or sometimes, intentionally sabotaged. Now, like a refreshing spring breeze, Samael […]

Lisa korvi
Lost Secrets of the Mystery Schools. The Coming of the Gods: Initiation and Rebirth

“Lost Secrets of the Mystery Schools. The Coming of the Gods: Initiation and Rebirth”

Were the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece merely the product of humankind’s imagination — as some scientists and historians would have us believe? If so, what scientific data can explain the “Greek miracle” — Greece’s sudden leap from a primitive tribal state to the cultural center of the world? This book reveals what actually […]

Lisa korvi
Making Time. Why Time Seems to Pass at Different Speeds and How to Control It

“Making Time. Why Time Seems to Pass at Different Speeds and How to Control It”

Why does time seem to speed up as we get older or when we’re having fun, or drag when we’re bored or anxious? This eye-opening book gives an astounding insight into why our perception of time changes – and how we can take charge of it in our own lives.

Lisa korvi
Manual for Planetary Leadership

“Manual for Planetary Leadership”

Here at last is an indispensable book that has been urgently needed in these uncertain times. The book lays out, in an orderly and clear fashion, the guidelines for leadership in the world and in ones’ own life. All the areas of our society and personal life that need discipline and leadership are pointed out. […]

Lisa korvi
Messages from the Hollow Earth

“Messages from the Hollow Earth”

Not only is the Earth HOLLOW, but it is inhabited by Advanced Civilizations! Read about the existence of these evolved civilizations that live in peace and brotherhood in the Center of our Earth, which is HOLLOW, and contains an Inner Central Sun, with oceans and mountains still in their pristine state. Discover the Lost Library […]

Lisa korvi
Occultism of the Secret Doctrine

“Occultism of the Secret Doctrine”

Preface. The task of preparing this volume for the press has been a difficult and anxious one, and it is necessary to state clearly what has been done. The papers given to me by H. P. B. were quite unarranged, and had no obvious order: I have therefore taken each paper as a separate Section, […]

Lisa korvi
Parallel Universes. The Search for Other Worlds

“Parallel Universes. The Search for Other Worlds”

In this “enthralling read” (Publishers Weekly), travel through the frontiers of space as physicist Fred Alan Wolf guides you through the complex yet intruging concept of parallel universes. Challenge your preceptions of the universe and explore ideas as varied as superspace theater and zero-time ghosts and even explore a future where time travel is real […]

Lisa korvi
Pranic Healing

“Pranic Healing”

Using breathing with healing mantras. The Greatest book on self Healing. Life is Breath and Sound is Energy which can elevate the energy level of our body through resonance with certain specific words. These healing words also stimulate various endocrine glands in our body to strengthen our immune system, to keep it fighting fit against […]

Lisa korvi

“Quiet Sitting: The Daoist Approach for a Healthy Mind and Body”

The Daoist Approach for a Healthy Mind and Body. Jinggong (quiet sitting) has so often been shrouded in mystery and mysticism since it traveled out of the Far East and across the shores to the West. Along the way, new schools of thought developed and the essential keys to the simple practice that is Jinggong […]

Lisa korvi
Return The Goddess, The Lemurians Shall Come. Book II

“Return The Goddess, The Lemurians Shall Come. Book II”

Sequel To On Assignment With Adama. Lemuria, Telos, Mount Shasta, Shambhala. Ancient Earth Sites” In Return The Goddess, you will ride the adventure with Susan Isabelle and Adama, The Lemurian High Priest to the return of the Highest Light energies of the Divine Feminine to Earth! In this amazing story, you will learn how this […]

Lisa korvi
Revelations of a Melchizedek Initiate

“Revelations of a Melchizedek Initiate”

This book traces the author’s journey of ascension through the seven levels of initiation, through the process of anchoring and activating his fifty chakras, expanding to a 99-percent light quotient, then on to anchoring and fully activating all twelve bodies, which include the five higher bodies. Exactly how this is done is shared, and in-depth […]

Lisa korvi
Science and the Akashic Field. An Integral Theory of Everything

“Science and the Akashic Field. An Integral Theory of Everything”

Presents the unifying world-concept long sought by scientists, mystics, and sages: an Integral Theory of Everything • Explains how modern science has rediscovered the Akashic Field of perennial philosophy • New edition updates ongoing scientific studies, presents new research inspired by the first edition, and includes new case studies and a section on animal telepathy […]

Lisa korvi
Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human double

“Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human double”

This is a very timely book to read and digest. Rudolf Steiner was speaking about secret brotherhoods way back in 1917. For students of the occult and esoteric sciences the year 1917 is mentioned as a crucial year for the modern world from not only he, but also, Madame Blavatsky, G.I.Gurdijieff and Alester Crowley mentioned […]

Lisa korvi