“Foundation and Earth”
The Foundation novels The Foundation novels of Isaac Asimov are among the great masterworks of science fiction. An ingenious blend of nonstop action, daring ideas, and extensive world-building, they chronicle the struggle of a courageous group of men and women determined to shield enlightened humanity from a ceaseless threat of darkness and ultimate annihilation. Foundation […]
“Prelude to Foundation”
The Foundation novels This daring story of humanity´s future introduces one of great masterworks of science fiction: the Foundation novels of Isaac Asimov. Unsurpassed for their unique blend of nonstop action, bold ideas, and extensive world-building, they chronicle the struggle of a courageous group of people to save civilization from a relentless tide of darkness […]
“The Naked Sun”
Isaac Asimov´s ROBOT series – spanning from the iconic I, Robot to four classic novels – contains some of the most influential works in the history of science fiction. Establishing and testing the THREE LAWS OF ROBOTICS, they continue to shape the understanding and design of artificial intelligence to this day. On the planet of […]
“The Robots of Dawn”
Isaac Asimov´s ROBOT series – spanning from the iconic I, ROBOT to four classic novels – contains some of the most influential works in the history of science fiction. Establishing and testing the THREE LAWS OF ROBOTICS, they continue to shape the understanding and design of artificial intelligence to this day. On Aurora, the first […]