
Karin Saarsen-Karlstedt
31/12/1926Karin Saarsen-Karlstedt (31. detsember 1926, Tartu, Eesti – 25. jaanuar 2018, Stockholm, Rootsi) oli Rootsis elanud eesti kirjanik ja ajakirjanik.
Elas 1949. aasta sügisest kuni surmani Rootsis, kus muuhulgas juhtis Raadio Vaba Euroopa eesti toimetust. Ta kuulus Rootsi Eestlaste Esinduse esinduskokku ja Välismaisesse Eesti Kirjanike Liitu
Karin Saarseni isa oli kolonel Villem Saarsen.
Karin Saarsen-Karlstedt - in Memoriam
One of the founders - in 1975 - of the Estonian Desk at Radio Liberty has passed on. Karin Saarsen worked initially in Munich alongside Dr. Jaan Pennar (1924-1996), but returned some time later to Stockholm, continuing thereafter to provide Estonian-language features for Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty as a stringer.
She was born on December 31, 1926 in independent Estonia into the family of Colonel Villem Saarsen, who was the last head of the country’s military intelligence service before the forcible incorporation of the Baltic States into the USSR. Her mother Halina (née Korab-Laskowska) was of Polish extraction. /.../
Those who knew Karin may remember her as a keen follower of the comings and goings of the royal families of Europe, and of the Swedish royal family in particular, and also as a big fan of equestrian sports such as show jumping.
Karin had an extroverted personality, at least by Estonian standards. The phrase “they threw away the mold when they made her” gets used to excess on occasion, but it’s just the simple truth when applied to Karin Saarsen, who may well have been one of the last aristocratic journalists to have graced our planet. - Jüri Estam, Tallinn